Today’s tips are on how to make link images show up automatically whenever you create a Facebook post.
Facebook is becoming an ever increasingly noisy social media platform. There are more and more posts that you have to compete with for the attention of your audience.
It is extremely important to have consistent branding and have the most eye-catching posts as possible.
With these two tips, I will show you how to make your link posts stand out from the rest.
#1 Open Graph Tags for Facebook
Open Graph… what?!
Lucky for you, you don’t need to know how to do any coding at all for this. If you have a WordPress site with the Yoast SEO plugin on it you are all set!
(And if you don’t have that plugin I suggest you add it)
In the Yoast settings box, click on the sharing settings and you will see this:
The most important part is the Facebook Image section.
You can fill out the Facebook Title and Facebook Description, but if you don’t Facebook will just pull in the title and meta description from the post.
In the Facebook Image section, you can upload a link preview image that is 1200×630 pixels. That way whenever you or anyone else share a link from your site on Facebook they will have a specific and properly sized image.

Here is an example post with a custom link image. This image doesn’t show up anywhere on the actual blog post, but I am able to have a link image with my brand stamp on the image, strengthening my visual brand and making the post look great!
#2 Object Debugger
Object Debu–what?!
Have you ever gone to share a link on Facebook and no image shows up even after you did all the steps above? That is where the Object Debugger comes in.
It is a super handy and easy to use tool. All you do is put the link that you want to share into the text box and click the “Fetch new scrape information” button.
Once you do that the tool will show you the Open Graph tags displayed visually. There is still some code, but if you scroll down to the bottom of the page it will show you a preview of a link post. If the image is showing up now then you are all set and can go ahead and share your link post to Facebook.
If it isn’t showing up still then you should clear the cache on your website and try again.
Both of these tips were a little more technical, so please let me know if you have any questions at all!
Before you go…
I am going to be teaching a workshop series on Google Analytics.
This 4 section workshop series will teach you…
- who your visitors are,
- where they’re coming from,
- and how they are engaging with your site.
Go from a beginner in Google Analytics to someone who is confident in their website’s data collection and analytics.
You can take all 4, or pick and choose which workshops you want to attend.
Also as a special bonus… Get 1 hour of consulting, a $150 value, with me if you attend all 4 workshops and ½ hour of consulting if you attend 3 workshops.
So if you really want to understand your website’s data and be able to make informed decisions register for my workshop series.
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